Five Interrelated Markets

 Five interrelated markets:

–Manufacturer markets
The manufacturer is any natural or legal person who is responsible for designing and manufacturing a product with a view to placing it on the Community market "under his own name" (or trademark*).

–Resource markets - A market used to exchange the services of resources labor, capital, and natural resources. The value of services exchanged through resource markets each year is measured as national income. Compare financial market, product market.

–Consumer markets - All the individuals and households who purchase goods and services for personal use. In the early 1990s, the American consumer market consisted of more than 250 million people who consumed more than $3 trillion worth of goods and services annually. This market has continued to grow by several million persons and more than $100 billion each year.

–Intermediary markets - The advantages of using intermediaries stem from the core economics of supply-chain management: market coverage, customer contacts, lower costs, systematic cash flow, etc. The intermediary adds value to the marketing of the product by bringing in specialization, marketing knowledge, capacity to segment the market, and selling skills that allow the marketer to implement marketing strategies effectively.

Intermediaries providing logistic support increase convenience to both the producer and the consumer by offering effective delivery and pre- and post-purchase customer service as well as facilitating manufacturer services, making them indispensable to most mid- and small-scale producers.

–Government markets - Consumer group composed of federal, state, and local government units. The government market in total accounts for the greatest volume of purchases of any consumer group in the United States, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on goods and services each year. Although government purchases comprise a wide range of products such as food, military equipment, office supplies, buildings, clothing, and vehicles, selling to this market typically involves a great deal of paperwork, financial constraints, bureaucratic barriers, and awareness of specific political sensitivities.


What is Exchange

Exchange is the process of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. For exchange potential to exist, five conditions must be satisfied: 

(1)There are at least 2 parties, 
(2)Each party has something that might be of value to the other party, 
(3)Each party is capable of communication and delivery, 
(4)Each party is free to accept or reject the exchange, and 
(5)Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other party. 

 BrainMass,  retrieved from


"Panic Attack Symptoms", Menurut Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD "Panic attacks are sudden feelings of terror that strike without warning. These episodes can occur at any time, even during sleep" baca selanjutnya klik disini

Seseorang yang pernah mengalami panik merasa dirinya seperti terkena serangan jantung atau merasa dirinya akan segera meninggal. Ketakutan yang dialami pada saat panik tidak sesuai dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya ataupun mungkin tidak berhubungan dengan apapun yang terjadi disekitar nya. Beberapa orang yang pernah mengalami panik mengalami beberapa symptoms sebagai berikut:
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  • Jantung berdebar-debar
  • Merasa lemah, letih dan lesu
  • Mati rasa pada tangan dan jari
  • Merasa diteror atau takut dirinya akan segera meninggal
  • Merasa berkeringat atau kedinginan
  • Sakit pada dada
  • Kesulitan bernafas
  • Merasa seperti hilang kesadaran
Biasanya panik ini berlangsung singkat, kurang dari sepuluh menit, meskipun begitu ada yang menyerang lebih lama. Seseorang yang pernah terserang panik akan terserang lagi secara berkala dibandingkan yang belum pernah terserang panik. Jika panik terjadi berulang, maka dinamakan "panic disorder" 

Apa penyebab panik?

Panik disebabkan oleh beberapa kombinasi biologis, cara berfikir, situasi lingkungan sosial. Menurut teori panic disorder, "sistem alarm" normal tubuh, yaitu mekanisme mental dan fisikal yang membuat seseorang terpacu merespon pada ancaman walaupun keadaannya tidak begitu penting dan juga tidak dalam bahaya. Scientists tidak mengetahui mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi atau mengapa beberapa orang lebih rentan terhadap masalah dibandingkan yang lain. Panic disorder dijumpai dalam keluarga, dan mungkin juga genetik memiliki peranan penting dalam menentukan siapa yang akan terkena.Namun, banyak orang yang tidak memiliki sejarah panic disorder terjangkit juga. Beberapa studi juga mempertanyakan apakah kekurangan nutrisi seperti zinc atau magnesium punya peran pencetus panic disorder. Statistic menunjukkan bahwa etnik minoritas lebih sedikit mengalami panic disorder dibandingkan populasi mayoritas di United States, penelitian lainnya menyatakan bahwa ada perbedaan bagaimana masing - masing etnis memahami dan mendiskusikan tanda - tanda dan symptoms seperti ini. 

Bagaimana Pengobatan Panik? 
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Macam - macam pengobatan tersedia untuk mengontrol panik, termasuk beberapa pengobatan medis seperti:

Penting sekali bagi penderita panik berada dekat dan bekerjasama dengan dokter untuk memutuskan pengobatan medis seperti apa yang sesuai. Nah, hindari juga minum kafein dan alkohol. Tips lainnya untuk mencegah dan mengatur panik yaitu latihan aerobik dan teknik manajemen stress seperti bernafas dalam, terapi pijat, tehnik relaksasi dan yoga serta membantu penderita panik memahami emosi yang menjadi penyebab timbulnya panik. 


What is Product Offer

Varieties of product offer; e.g.:

•Goods (electrical product, furniture)

•Services (banking, restaurant)

•Events (sporting event, rock concert)

•Experiences (bungee jumping)

•Persons (celebrities, politicians)

•Places (Paris, Kuala Lumpur, New York)

•Properties (land, condominium)

•Organizations (specific companies)

•Information (Internet, Google, Yahoo)

•Ideas (consultation)

Source: Marketing Management Slide

What is Marketing

Marketing  --  Organizational function that manage a set of processes (i.e. to create, communicate and deliver value to customers in addition to managing relationship with them) so that the organization and its stakeholders will get the benefit (usually in profit).In short, organizational attempts to meet customers’ needs with profit.

Examples of customers’need:

–McDonald’s –need for fast food
–Google –need for information, communication
–L’oreal–need for beauty, self confidence
–FAB –need for cleanliness, hygiene 

Reference: Marketing Management slide by Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, Ph.D