menggadai emas di bank

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Pegadaian bukan lagi satu – satunya tempat untuk menggadai Emas.  Saat ini perbankan juga sudah menyediakan fasilitas gadai emas yang sekaligus menjadi produk andalan mereka selain tabungan, deposito, asuransi pendidikan, KPR, kredit usaha dan lain – lain.

Prosedur gadai emas ini tentunya berbeda antara satu bank  dengan bank yang lain. Saya tertarik dengan sistem gadai yang ada pada salah satu bank karena proses nya cepat dan mudah. Yang perlu saya lakukan adalah:
  • Inisiatif untuk pergi ke bank  dan menanyakan persyaratan apa saja yang diperlukan.
  • Membawa KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) yang masih berlaku.
  • Membawa emas yang akan digadaikan. That’s it.

Nah, selebihnya diserahkan kepada para karyawan bank yang melayani saya. Awalnya mereka akan menimbang berat emas dan menghitung jumlah pembiayaan yang akan saya terima dari emas tersebut. Setelah mengetahui dan setuju dengan jumlah pembiayaan yang diberikan, maka saya harus membuka rekening di bank tersebut agar dana dapat langsung dimasukkan ke rekening.

Biaya administrasinya langsung dipotong dari dana yang ada di rekening saya. pada saat itu biaya administrasi yang dikenakan Rp 55,172.45 yang terlihat di surat bukti gadai . Biaya lainnya yaitu biaya sewa/biaya pemeliharaan sesuai dengan ketentuan dihitung per 15 hari terhitung sejak tanggal surat bukti gadai emas dengan maksimal jangka waktu 4 (empat) bulan. Biaya sewa / biaya pemeliharaan yang dibebankan kepada saya selama empat bulan Rp. 1.619.200,- (tentunya biaya administrasi  dan biaya sewa ini akan berbeda – beda tergantung pada berapa besar jumlah pembiayaan yang didapat).

Mengenai waktu. Jika saya gadai tanggal 3 Mei maka empat bulan ke depan tanggal jatuh tempo 3-5 September. Nah, jika lewat dari tanggal jatuh tempo ada lagi tanggal jual barang jaminan yaitu 20 September. Hal yang sebaiknya dilakukan jika tidak mau kehilangan barang yang digadai salah satunya adalah : memperhatikan tanggal – tanggal ini. Sebagai tanda peringatan, ada stempel khusus pada surat bukti gadai yang menegaskan tanggal – tanggal tersebut. 

At the end of the day, yang harus dilakukan pada saat atau sebelum jatuh tempo membayar sejumlah dana pembiayaan yang saya dapatkan plus biaya sewa/biaya pemeliharaan barang. Sehingga saya mendapatkan kembali emasnya.

Happy Reading,


What is the difference between arithmetic and geometric averages?

The geometric  average return:
·         Tells you what you actually earned per year on average, compounded annually.
·         Is very useful in describing the actual historical investment experience.

The arithmetic  average return:
·         Tells what you earned in a typical year and is an unbiased estimate of the true mean of the dictribution.
·         Is very useful in making estimates of the future

Explain what the Security Market Line (SML) represent. What’s the implication of an asset return that lie above the SML line? Below the SML line?

SML represent both for all individual securities and for all possible portfolios;  SML relates expected return to beta. Securities lying above SML are underpriced. Their prices must rise until their expected returns lie on the line.

Explain why risk – averse investors should only hold efficient portfolios?

Here, efficiency means the highest expected rate of return on an investment for a specific level of risk. The primary starting point for portfolio theory requires an assumption that investors are risk averse. Thus, an investor will take on increased risk only if compensated by higher expected returns.

Why do we use the after tax values for cost of debt but not for the cost of equity?

Interest expense is tax deductible. Therefore, when a company pays interest, the actual cost is less than the expense. As an example, consider a company in the 34% marginal tax bracket that pays $100 in interest. The company’s after-tax cost is only $66.

Explain why it is important to use the market values of debt and equity rather than book values to calculate a firm’s WACC?

The WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is the minimum return that the company must earn on existing asset base to satisfy  its creditors, owners, and other providers of capital, or they will invest elsewhere. Companies raise money from a numbers of sources: common equity, preferred equity, straight debt, convertible debt, exchangeable debt, warrants, options, pensions liabilities, executive stock options, governmental subsidies and so on. Different securities are expected to generate different return. The WACC is calculated taking into account the relative weights of each component of the capital structure  and is used to see if the investment is worthwhile to undertake.   
For example, the rate applied to determine the cost of debt (Rd) should be the current market rate that company is paying on its debt. If the company is not paying market rates, an appropriate market rate are payable by the company should be estimated.

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Growth Opportunities 2

Growth Opportunities – Lewin Skis, Inc (today) expects to earn $6.25 per share for each of the future operating periods (beginning at time I) if the firm makes no new investments and returns the earnings as dividend as dividends to the shareholders. However, Clint Williams, president and CEO, has discovered an opportunity to retain and invest 20% of the earnings beginning three years from today. This opportunity to invest will continue for each period indefinitely. He expects to earn 11% on made. The firm’s equity discount rate is 13% throughout.

What is the price per share of Lewin Skies, Inc., stock without making the new investment?

P = Dividend/R
P = $6.25/0.13
P = $48.08

If the new investment is expected to be made, per the preceding information, what would the price of the stock be now?

The investment occurs every year in the growth opportunity, so the opportunity is a growing perpetuity. So we first need to find the growth rate. The growth rate is:
g = retention ratio x return on retain earnings
g = 0.20 x 0.11
g = 0.022 or 2.20%

next we need to calculate the NPV of the investment. During year 3, 20% of the earnings will be reinvested. Therefore, $1.25 is invested ($6.25 x 0.20). one year later, the shareholders receive an 11 percent return on the investment, or $0.138 ($1.25 x 0.11), in perpetuity.

The perpetuity formula values that streams as of year 3. Since the investment opportunity will continue indefinitely and growth at 2.2 %, apply the growing perpetuity formula to calculate the NPV of the investment as of year 2. Discount that value back two years to today.

NPVGO = ((investment + return) / R ) / (R – g) / (1+R)2
NPVGO = (-$1.25 + $0.138) / 0.13) / (0.13 – 0.022) / (1.13)2
NPVGO = -$1.39  

The value of the stock is the PV of the firm without making the investment plus the NPV of the investment, or:

P = $48.08 – 1.39
P = $46.68

Suppose the company could increase the investment in the project by whatever amount it chose. What would the retention ration need to be to make this project attractive?

Zero percent

Reference:  Chapter 9, Corporate Finance Book, Stephen A.Ross, Randolph W.Westerfield and Jeffrey Jaffe, Ninth Edition.

Growth Opportunities 1

Growth Opportunities – The Stambaugh Corporation currently has earnings per share of $8.25. The company has no growth and pays out all earnings as dividends. It has a new project which will require an investment of $1.60 per share in one year. The project is only a two – years following the investment by $2.10 and $2.45, respectively. Investors require a 12% return on Stambaugh stock.

what is the value per share of the company’s stock assuming the firm does not undertake the investment opportunity?

P = Dividend / R
P = $8.25 / 0.12
P = $68.75

if the company does undertake the investment, what is the value per share now?

The investment is a one – time investment that creates an increase in EPS for two years. To calculate the new stock price, we need the cash cow price plus the NPVGO.
NPVGO = C1 / (1+R) + C2/(1+R)2 + C3/(1+R)3
NPVGO = -$1.60/ 1.12 + $2.10/1.122 +$2.45/1.123
NPVGO = $1.99

P = $68.75 + $1.99
P = $70.74

again, assume the company undertakes the investment. What will the price per share be four years from today?

 After the project is over, and the earning increase no longer exists, the price of the stock will revert back to $68.75, the value of the company as a cash cow.

Reference:  Chapter 9, Corporate Finance Book, Stephen A.Ross, Randolph W.Westerfield and Jeffrey Jaffe, Ninth Edition.

Finding the Required Return

Finding the Required Return – Juggernaut Satellite Corporation earned $10 million for the fiscal year ending yesterday. The firm also paid out 20% of its earnings as dividend yesterday. The firm will continue to pay out 20% of its earnings as annual, end – of – year dividends. The remaining 80% of earnings is retained by the company for use in projects. The company has 2 million shares of common stock outstanding. The current stock price is $85. The historical return on equity (ROE) of 16% is expected to continue in the future. What is the required rate of return on the stock?

The required return of a stock consist of two components, the capital gains yield and the dividend yield.

R = D1/P0 + g

We can find the dividend growth rate by the growth rate equation, or:

g = ROE x b
g = 0.16 x 0.80
g = 0.1280 or 12.80%

This is also the growth rate in dividends. 

Dividend per share = (net income x payout ratio) / share outstanding
Dividend per share = ($10,000,000 x 0.20) / 2,000,000
Dividend per share = $1,00

R = D1/P0 + g
R = $1(1 + 0.1280) / $85 + 0.1280
R = 0.1413 or 14.13%

Reference:  Chapter 9, Corporate Finance Book, Stephen A.Ross, Randolph W.Westerfield and Jeffrey Jaffe, Ninth Edition.